© Michael Rocchetti
Hi. The reason why this unnecessary website exists is to keep track of unnecessary things I unnecessarily do or write.
I like to think I am a researcher, an art critic, and a curator. What pays the bills is actually my current job as Director of studies and research at the Villa Arson National School of Visual Arts and Contemporary Art Center in Nice, France.
I hold a PhD in Aesthetics from Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris, where I have been working as a lecturer from 2015 to 2019. I currently teach Aesthetics at the University of Côte d’Azur. I also had the chance to teach at Smith College, Massachusetts, and Fudan University in Shanghai.
My main research interests lie in unsanctioned urban practices such as graffiti writing and street art, their aesthetic interaction with abandoned places, and their ambiguous relationship with the institutional art world and the cultural industry. I am also very interested in the aesthetics of Internet visual phenomena such as memes, yet my one true “intellectual” ambition is to write one day a phenomenological treatise about cats.
In the past I have worked at Magda Danysz Gallery, the Italian Embassy in Paris, and the Dia Art Foundation in New York City. In 2013 I co-founded Pigment Workroom, a curatorial studio for art in the public space, and a printing workshop. Most recently, I have been working as artistic director for TEDxBari.
In this website (which definitely needs an update) you will find some writings about aesthetics, contemporary art, and graffiti, together with the art projects I have been working on over the years.
You can also find me also on my LinkedIn and Academia’s pages, and drop me a line if you like.