L’art satirique de Blu entre déartisation et auto-iconoclastie

🇫🇷 In this article I focus on the work and the practice of Blu, an Italian artist whose artistic process consists of the production of monumental mural paintings that are marked by humanist, environmentalist and anti-globalization subjects that are close to libertarian culture. Because of the…

SBAGLIATO, Finestre Rotte

🇮🇹 A urban/photo/trompe l’œil/graffiti project by SBAGLIATO, produced by Pigment Workroom. Does a clean wall mean a safer city? We have named our ephemeral project after the famous 1982 criminological theory by J.Q.Wilson and G.Kelling that still inspires many repressive campaigns against the homeless and…

Agostino Iacurci, Trompe l’œil

🇬🇧 Short presentation for “Trompe l’œil”, Agostino Iacurci’s solo show at Celaya Brothers Gallery, Mexico City, November 10 / December 9 2017 […] une abstraction qui n’en retient que l’essence Yves Bonnefoy In an essay from 1953 named Les tombeaux de Ravenne, Yves Bonnefoy uses these words…

Andreas Senoner, Heritage

🇮🇹 Short presentation for Heritage, Andreas Senoner’s solo show at Doppelgaenger Gallery, Bari, October 5 2017. Nel 1908 il biologo e neurologo tedesco Richard Semon scrisse Die Mneme, saggio che oggi ricordiamo per aver introdotto un neologismo destinato a trasformare per sempre l’idea di memoria, quella…

Eltono e StenLex, Crossroad #3

🇮🇹 Short presentation for Crossroad #3, a double solo show by Eltono and StenLex at Doppelgaenger Gallery, Bari, May 4 2017 Nel corso della mia vita ho incontrato non più di una o due persone che comprendessero l’arte del Camminare, ossia di fare passeggiate, che avessero…

Banlieue-Banlieue, pionniers de l’art urbain

🇫🇷 One of the first urban art collectives in Europe, Banlieue-Banlieue («Suburb-Suburb») was active through the Eighties in the Parisian region and in the suburbs. The painters who formed the collective took also part in several political battles of the time – for instance against the…

Sarah Jérôme, Il mormorio dei fossili

🇮🇹 Critical text for Il mormorio dei fossili, Sarah Jérôme’s solo show at Doppelgaenger Gallery, Bari, March 10 2017 Vint la vie : une humidité sophistiquée, promise à un destin inextricable ; et chargée de secrètes vertus, capable de défis, de fécondité. […] Turbulente, spasmodique, une sève,…

Alexandre Bavard, fanzine

🇫🇷 Entretien is a fanzine realized with Alexandre Bavard, aka Mosa87: a conversation about illegal graffiti and a series of pictures taken during a cold Sunday morning in a vacant lot. You can find it here.